Monday, June 8, 2015

Two beds planted. Ready to grow.

We've planted our two big beds. We didn't make a plan as to where everything would go, so there was some struggle in our lack of organization. We printed off a list of companion plants. Good one here at Mother Earth News:

The waiting begins. 

As for more fun excitement over the weekend, Brian deconstructed a broken Washing Machine and removed the tub. It was a little R & D for a project requested of him. It turns out the tub is the perfect fire pit. Safe, self contained, pretty. All bonuses.

Check it out: 

Nice to put your feet up after a long day in the garden!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's Spring!

After a long tedious winter in Maine, we’re finally chugging along nicely into Spring. May was a beautiful month and went by rather quickly. We started a few seedlings this year, mostly flowers…my faves, zinnias, cosmos, calendula and sunflowers. Tomato and tomatillo
seedlings were also attempted. As a fairly new gardener, this is all a learning experience and I strive to become more adept every year. There will always be mistakes…ahem…don’t plant those tomatoes too close to each other….ahem..does a couple with a dog and cat really need 30 tomato plants?!?! Yes- we’re learning. The Craiglists deal of the century Rototiller lasted one year, so Brian created an additional garden bed with a rental from our local hardware store. Thank goodness for living rural, but not too rural!
Plans for the garden include: Lettuce, Assorted Beans, Beets,  Peas, Chard, Fennel, Bok Choy, Tomatoes and Tomatillos, Kale, Carrots, Corn, LOTS o’ potatoes, Cukes, Broccoli, Caulifower, Spinach. All good stuff!
Lots of planting going on this weekend!